Stepping Stone
Pre & Grade School
“A Tradition of Excellence in Education - Since 1982”
CALL US: 1 (718) 465-2344
Stepping Stone Pre & Grade school is a year-round program with open registration from September to August.
New Students
Registration of a student will be finalized when the following have been received:
Stepping Stone Application Package - Available at Stepping Stone
Parent and student interview
Complete medical form
Copy of latest report card (K & up)
UPK Registration - Registration begins in March
Registration of a student entering Universal Pre-K will be finalized when the following has been received (click here for a checklist):
Stepping Stone Application Package - Package available at Stepping Stone
Application for Community-Based Organization (CBO) Universal Pre-Kindergarten for the current school year
Complete medical form - The medical form is also located within the CBO application but should be completed as soon as possible. Provide child's vaccination record if available to prevent delay in admission.
Parent and student interview

Registration for Current Students
A student’s status will be revised yearly and re-enrollment will be based on the student’s academic progress and disciplinary record.
Re-registration of a student is finalized when the following have been received:
Re-registration forms - Available at Stepping Stone
Yearly medical form